quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2012

Reponho uma poesia do poemário Amanhecer obscuro:

Once… a few verses

Once I wrote a few verses

there were nightingales on your fingers,
green snakes grew up from your hair
as if Spring was inside you

I wrote a few more
but I can’t remember them
they were destroyed
by the acid only time has

someone told me
that using the word acid
was good for my poetry
critics love reading
this word trough the poems

oh critics, see how well
I use the word acid!
What? No, I am not a chemist
nor even a grammarian
I just draw words
without knowing the meaning

If I was a poet, pardon, a critic
or a thin literate, I should know
that nightingales belong to the dawn
and snakes to the Scriptures.
Spring is a question of Cancer
or Capricorn, all depends on latitude.
I am not a geographer
and I have to finish some verses:

there were nightingales on your fingers,
green snakes grew up from your hair
as if was Spring inside you…

If you don’t mind!

António Eduardo Lico

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