Lloyd was
He was
also Georges.
So he was
Lloyd Georges,
the Welsh
Lloyd, he was Georges.
Georges, he was Lloyd.
He was
destinated to be Lloyd Georges.
Georges was dual.
No, he
wasn’t because he was Lloyd and Georges,
or Welsh
and British, even lawyer and politician.
Our man
had always two positions as a politician;
as a lawyer, even more
you know
how the lawyers are…
Good old
Lloyd…and Georges
let me
remember you a minuteness;
oh that
minuteness was laying
obscure at
Babylon sands;
you see, I
couldn’t resist to use
the word
obscure; all poets use it, sooner or later.
old Lloyd?
that’s it! Oil!
good old Lloyd
words, your joy –grab all that oil!
Where was
your dual and proverbial position?
I know you
was Lloyd, you was Georges,
Lloyd Georges.
Let me
guess old Lloyd, let me guess
I can see
(and hear) you – There is Babylon
I am a
lawyer; I want the hanging gardens at Downing Street
to study
better this legal monument that is the Code of Hammurabi
the oil is
just a detail, as the sand is just a detail in the desert
and I
(him, Lloyd Georges) am not Nabuchodonosor,
I am not
in prophet Daniel’s famous dream
even a
prophet, a good one, couldn’t predict me.
Good old
Lloyd Georges, Oh my welsh magician
you are
dual and cold on your grave
Babylon rests ignored under antique sands
never more
vanquished, never more found.
António Eduardo Lico
Olha a versatilidade do nosso poeta com um poema carregado da musicalidade que a língua nos oferece... Perfeito o poema, amigo!
Obrigado amigo José Carlos.
EliminarÉ de facto um desafio descobrir a harmonia e a musicalidade da Língua inglesa.